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Quantum Computing In 5 Minutes | Quantum Computing Explained | Quantum Computer | Simplilearn

Quantum Computing In 5 Minutes | Quantum Computing Explained | Quantum Computer | Simplilearn

Quantum Computing In 5 Minutes | Quantum Computing Explained | Quantum Computer | Simplilearn

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Please share your feedback below and don’t forget to take the quiz at 03:32! Comment below what you think is the right answer.

This video on Quantum Computing gives you an overview of the underlying technology of Quantum Computing. This video will help you understand its difference from other classic computers or Supercomputers. A conventional digital computer manipulates bits of value “0” or “1” to execute data processing operations.
This video will also take you through companies currently adopting and implementing Quantum Computing and will let you explore how it is used in different industries and firms and what future it holds for itself.

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About Simplilearn Artificial Intelligence course:
Simplilearns’ Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course is designed to help learners decode the mystery of artificial intelligence and its business applications. The course provides an overview of AI concepts and workflows, machine learning and deep learning, and performance metrics. You’ll learn the difference between supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning; be exposed to use cases, and see how clustering and classification algorithms help identify AI business applications.

What are the career benefits of this Introduction to AI course?
Artificial intelligence has become a powerful driving force in a wide range of industries, helping people and businesses create exciting, innovative products and services, enable more informed business decisions, and achieve key performance goals. The median salary of an AI engineer in the US is $171,715(Source: Datamation).

What are the course objectives?
The Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course will give you a look at the booming field of AI and show you how AI can help drive business value. The course covers basic concepts, terminologies, scope and stages of artificial intelligence and their effect on real-world business processes.

What skills will you learn from this Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course?
Upon completion of this course, you will understand:
1. The meaning, purpose, scope, stages, applications and effects of AI
2. Fundamental concepts of machine learning and deep learning
3. The difference between supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning
4. Machine Learning workflow and how to implement the steps effectively
5. The role of performance metrics and how to identify their key methods

Who should take this Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course?
Simplilearn’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence imparts the basic concepts and principles of Artificial Intelligence to learners. The course caters to CxO level and middle management professionals who want to improve their ability to derive business value and ROI from AI and machine learning. This Artificial Intelligence Introduction course does not require programming or IT background, making it well-suited for the following audience:
1. Developers aspiring to be an artificial intelligence engineer or machine learning engineer
2. Analytics managers who are leading a team of analysts
3. Information architects who want to gain expertise in AI algorithms
4. Analytics professionals who want to work in machine learning or artificial intelligence
5. Graduates looking to build a career in artificial intelligence or machine learning

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/artificial-intelligence-masters-program-training-course?utm_campaign=QuantumComputingScribe&utm_medium=Description&utm_source=youtube

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Comments (47)

  1. atoms and molecules

  2. A.

  3. Love this Chanel…….always helps in exams

  4. The answer is B) Uncertainty of outcomes

  5. Algorithm

  6. It's a secure algorithms

  7. Uncertainty of outcomes

  8. ok

  9. The obvious answer is the one you're left out consider a quantum computer I would answer all of the above.

  10. The answer is B

  11. Which engineering coure we have to take to learn quantum computing

  12. Answer is algorithm

  13. Answer:b

  14. C

  15. Fantastic breakdown of quantum computing in just 5 minutes! This video simplifies a complex topic and makes it accessible to everyone. Understanding the basics of quantum computing is crucial in today's tech-driven world, and this video does a great job of explaining it concisely. Thanks for sharing this informative content.

  16. Algorithm

  17. Lets go with atom and molecule

  18. Algorithm

  19. D)none of the above
    Cuz,speed is the major difference

  20. If the research in quantum computer is completely successful. I think it will probably generate a breakthrough to the human race, and I just hope it will not be utilized in some negative purposes.

  21. Atoms and molecule

  22. The answer is atoms and molecules

  23. B) Uncertainty of Outcomes

  24. This is a really shit video. I don't think the author understands digital computers at all either.

  25. b) uncertainty of putcomes

  26. a.atoms and molecules

  27. That is not complete true

    Do you know why computer work's with only 1 and 0 ?

    Because ther less chance for errors ther is reason computer still use 1 and 0

    If quantum computer become I think I will be a long side with regular computer's as the are way to transfer physical to digital signlo.

    Or in the to move more data or something.

  28. atoms n aprticles?

  29. If I give u plastic and metal, how do they make a computer or a phone that reasons and understands and holds a thought

  30. option b) uncertainty of outcomes

  31. Some portion of 0 and some portion of 1, means there are more possibilities, right? So, it's like if you take a single note on the piano, say the note C. And you divide it up into 10 notes of different frequencies, but still within the range of the note C. They are all still the note C but not quite. This way you would be able to play an entire song just from one note. The ear would not really be able to hear the melody clearly, but the song would be there.
    Am I understanding this correctly? But how do more possibilities give more speed? Sounds like more things to calculate would make it slower.

  32. What is a QUANTUM Computer? Simplistically like a OLD Valve radio, but not quite, QUANTUM computer is just like a electron microscope or a scanner have to be connected to a IBM Number cruncher. simply removed every valve components from a big valve radio and fitted a small circuit board from a two penlight battery radio. (Called a new technology) I laugh on people who dreams a lot, just past four decades Bill gate stole the idea of OS and become 110 Billion dollars A.H, Technology may change but playing with quantum electron through glass tube huh dream on.

  33. How do someone at least in theory should understand anything from these useless simple animations?

  34. Still it is not explained how it works. It is about what you can achieve.

  35. Algorithm

  36. B

  37. Uncertainty

  38. Idiotic clickbait. All the videos and articles claiming to explain quantum computing explain nothing but the most banal and the very remotely related concept spit out without any comprehension of how they actually link to quantum computing. This is because those You-tubers have no idea how exactly a quantum computer actually works so they copy/paste and regurgitate generic and vague ideas. Utterly useless, my grandmother could give better insight.

  39. Algoritm

  40. B

  41. Bullshit

  42. Sorry. Same old general information.

  43. i need a quantum computer to explain why i stil dont understand quantum computers haha

  44. What background information i need to understand this?

  45. A

  46. The simple way to know what I was wondering about. And this video is years old? How comes nobody told me?
    Y’all bunch of selfish people.

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