WP Tutorials

Linked Lists for Technical Interviews – Full Course

Linked Lists for Technical Interviews – Full Course

Linked Lists for Technical Interviews – Full Course

Learn how to solve linked list problems for coding challenges and interviews.

✏️ This course was developed by Alvin Zablan from Structy. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlvinTheProgrammer

🔗 Study more data structures and algorithms with Alvin in his complete course: https://structy.net/

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Course Introduction
⌨️ (0:01:09) What is a Linked List?
⌨️ (0:09:22) Linked List Traversal
⌨️ (0:23:36) Linked List Values (https://structy.net/problems/linked-list-values)
⌨️ (0:33:10) Sum List (https://structy.net/problems/sum-list)
⌨️ (0:42:31) Linked List Find (https://structy.net/problems/linked-list-find)
⌨️ (0:51:03) Get Node Value (https://structy.net/problems/get-node-value)
⌨️ (0:59:32) Reverse List (https://structy.net/problems/reverse-list)
⌨️ (1:09:50) Zipper Lists (https://structy.net/problems/zipper-lists)

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Raymond Odero
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 aldo ferretti
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster

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Comments (31)

  1. Best Video

  2. bbro why Java Script lmaoooooo

  3. learned trees now this thanks man

  4. Awesome. Alvin is a great teacher <3

  5. Best explanation of LinkedList ❤

  6. Martin Carol Wilson David Martin Ruth

  7. This was a very helpful video! Thanks FCC and Alvin.

    # Python

    def zipper_linked_list(head1, head2):

    tail = head1

    next_node = head2

    while next_node:

    current_node = next_node

    next_node = tail.next
    tail.next = current_node

    tail = current_node

  8. kinda cool that i found different (tho worse) solutions to some of the problems on my own 😀

  9. This is the only programming video I watched from start to finish with one sitting and I clearly understood LinkedList. Thank you Alvin!

  10. i love you alvin

  11. Thanks!

  12. @1:21:40 Unless I'm missing an edge case, there's no need for the count variable in the iterative zigzag solution. Just move tail twice in each while loop. C++ code below

    Node* zigzag3(Node* head1, Node* head2) {
    Node* tail = head1;
    Node* cur1 = head1->next;
    Node* cur2 = head2;
    while(cur1 && cur2) {
    tail->next = cur2;
    cur2 = cur2->next;
    tail = tail->next;

    tail->next = cur1;
    cur1 = cur1->next;
    tail = tail->next;
    if (cur1) tail->next = cur1;
    if (cur2) tail->next = cur2;
    return head1;

  13. I love the way he explain and able to grasp things even though I am a beginner.

  14. Smooth Explanation.

  15. You are amazing Alvin! I've learned a lot from you🙌

  16. Deez' next

  17. My Recursive Solution for Zipper List is MORE concise and easier to learn:

    const zipperLinkedListRec = (head1, head2) => {

    if (!head2) return;

    let temp = head1.next;

    head1.next = head2;

    zipperLinkedListRec(head2, temp);

    return head1;


    *This assumes that both lists are non-empty like in video

  18. Hands down the best explanation for linked list. It finally clicked on me after 3 days banging my head against the wall. His algorithms are way more intuitive, both iterative and recursive versions, much much more than what other instructors talked about. Thank you!

  19. Whenever he says D’s->next I mouth the words ’Deez Nutz’

  20. Absolutely the best tutorial video on linked lists. Thank you so much, Alvin! Fantastic teacher.

  21. not gonne lie thought this video was gonna be a waste of my time but I learned linked lists in just the first 15 mins of the video and was able to swift by these easily.

  22. Thank you very much. The best explanaition of js linked lists

  23. I love that you said "A"'s next is "B". That makes link list much easier to conceptualize than other sources which overly complicate it.

  24. Awesome vids helping me with my uni subject Foundations of Programming, they give us 15 small programming exercises every week for points that count to final mark and also credit and they gave us exercises such as programm ringbuffer using linked list, program queues and stack using linked list. Merge two ordered linked lists and so on xd

  25. My solution to zipperlist accepted by structy.

    const zipperLists = (head1, head2) => {
    if(head1 === null) return head2;
    if(head2 === null) return head1;

    let current1 = head1, current2 = head2, next1 = null, next2 = null;
    while(current1 !== null && current2 !== null) {
    next1 = current1.next;
    next2 = current2.next;
    current1.next = current2;
    if(next1 !== null) current2.next = next1;
    current1 = next1;
    current2 = next2;
    return head1;

  26. 9:07 Linked list insertion at an index which is not at the head or the tail should be O(k) Time right?

  27. I have thought of another way to do zipper lists recursively, that for me looks more elegant. Maybe it is already known, but I felt good when I stumbled on it alone 😂
    def recursive(head, tail):

    if head is None:

    return tail

    head.next = recursive(tail, head.next)

    return head

  28. i think insertion in time complexity is O(n) in worst case this is most significant for linked list because we cant reach index till we reach the previous one and so on .. that's right ?

  29. what does a.next mean? I don't get it why this.next = null can be created. what does this .next help with?

  30. steve jobs

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