Learn JavaScript – Full Course for Beginners
July 1, 2024 2024-07-01 0:36Learn JavaScript – Full Course for Beginners
This complete 134-part JavaScript tutorial for beginners will teach you everything you need to know to get started with the JavaScript programming language.
✏️ Course created by @beau
Click the ⚙️ to change to a dub track in Hindi (Dubbed via Melt Labs – https://www.withmelt.com/)
This is a stand-alone video but it follows the JavaScript curriculum at freecodecamp.org. Access the curriculum here:
🔗 Basic JavaScript: https://learn.freecodecamp.org/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/basic-javascript
🔗 ES6 JavaScript: https://learn.freecodecamp.org/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/es6
This course was created using scrimba.com. Access the course there along with the code:
🔗 Basic JavaScript: https://scrimba.com/playlist/pny4ghw
🔗 ES6 JavaScript: https://scrimba.com/playlist/p7v3gCd
⭐️Course Contents⭐️
0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:24 Running JavaScript
0:04:23 Comment Your Code
0:05:56 Declare Variables
0:06:15 Storing Values with the Assignment Operator
0:11:31 Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator
0:11:58 Uninitialized Variables
0:12:40 Case Sensitivity in Variables
0:14:05 Basic Math
0:15:30 Increment and Decrement
0:16:22 Decimal Numbers
0:16:48 Multiply Two Decimals
0:17:18 Divide Decimals
0:17:33 Finding a Remainder
0:18:22 Augmented Math Operations
0:21:19 Declare String Variables
0:22:01 Escaping Literal Quotes
0:23:44 Quoting Strings with Single Quotes
0:25:18 Escape Sequences
0:26:46 Plus Operator
0:27:49 Plus Equals Operator
0:29:01 Constructing Strings with Variables
0:30:14 Appending Variables to Strings
0:31:11 Length of a String
0:32:01 Bracket Notation
0:33:27 Understand String Immutability
0:34:23 Find the Nth Character
0:36:28 Word Blanks
0:40:44 Arrays
0:41:43 Nest Arrays
0:42:33 Access Array Data
0:43:34 Modify Array Data
0:44:48 Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays
0:46:30 push()
0:47:29 pop()
0:48:33 shift()
0:49:23 unshift()
0:50:36 Shopping List
0:51:41 Write Reusable with Functions
0:53:41 Arguments
0:55:43 Global Scope
0:59:31 Local Scope
1:00:46 Global vs Local Scope in Functions
1:02:40 Return a Value from a Function
1:03:55 Undefined Value returned
1:04:52 Assignment with a Returned Value
1:05:52 Stand in Line
1:08:41 Boolean Values
1:09:24 If Statements
1:11:51 Equality Operators
1:19:17 And / Or Operators
1:21:37 Else Statements
1:22:27 Else If Statements
1:23:30 Logical Order in If Else Statements
1:24:45 Chaining If Else Statements
1:27:45 Golf Code
1:32:15 Switch Statements
1:41:11 Returning Boolean Values from Functions
1:42:20 Return Early Pattern for Functions
1:43:38 Counting Cards
1:49:11 Build Objects
1:50:46 Dot Notation
1:51:33 Bracket Notation
1:52:47 Variables
1:53:34 Updating Object Properties
1:54:30 Add New Properties to Object
1:55:19 Delete Properties from Object
1:55:54 Objects for Lookups
1:57:43 Testing Objects for Properties
1:59:15 Manipulating Complex Objects
2:01:00 Nested Objects
2:01:53 Nested Arrays
2:03:06 Record Collection
2:10:15 While Loops
2:11:35 For Loops
2:13:56 Odd Numbers With a For Loop
2:15:28 Count Backwards With a For Loop
2:17:08 Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop
2:19:43 Nesting For Loops
2:22:45 Do…While Loops
2:24:12 Profile Lookup
2:28:18 Random Fractions and Whole Numbers
2:31:46 parseInt Function
2:33:29 Ternary Operator
2:34:57 Multiple Ternary Operators
2:36:57 var vs let
2:41:32 const Keyword
2:43:40 Mutate an Array Declared with const
2:44:52 Prevent Object Mutation
2:47:17 Arrow Functions
2:53:04 Default Parameters
2:54:00 Rest Operator
2:55:31 Spread Operator
2:57:18 Destructuring Assignment
3:06:39 Template Literals
3:10:43 Simple Fields
3:12:24 Declarative Functions
3:12:56 class Syntax
3:15:11 getters and setters
3:20:25 import and export
🎥 Want something shorter? Here’s a 63-second JavaScript course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXiyLaNo3NE
Comments (46)
Thanks for watching. Check out my other channel for quick software tutorials: https://youtube.com/beau
❤from 🇮🇳
Perfect video for a road trip
Surely it's a 24-hour JavaScript course 😅
Thanks a lot, I just finished this long time video, hope I can write and use my code in my project
Why does a youtube pause is sign is changing every time into gif
YouTube video gif is changing why does it happens
Sir anyone could help me my yputube logo is changing
If anyone website url or domain what does it indicate
When I open my youtube youtube channel pause video like button which appears in red symbol is changing to gif what does it gesture indicate could anyone help me
I have quora website if I go to someone website of quora it is appearing if anyone what does it mean plze anyone could help me
If I go into one person website the website appearing if anyone what does this sign indicate can anyone elaborate
Одна из лучших связок которые я крутил. та чё уж там – лучшая!
Невероятно, плюс 250$ с тысячи бюджета, неужели я нашел то что искал
Could you please provide me Javascript pdf
How do we go from introductory to here’s code & math with no reason or meaning? In like 5 mins coding with no context… 🤔
I am a buyer but cautious. I plan to dollar cost average to build a position. 5 year plan to use as discretionary income
Thank You Sir !!
Is this course better than the 2024 one(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi-Q0t4gMC8)? I assume the newer is better since tech improves by the second but some times the older is better, especially for newbies. After comparing he sections covered in both courses seems like the new one is better structured but worth asking for advice.
cool, keep it up the good work , cheers )
Was really thinking inside the truck was heavy tech materials 😂😂
You can only find out if you complete the course lol
Quite informative and awesome !
Awesome breakdown of JavaScript basics! For those interested, I recently made a video on FP in practical projects. Feel free to check it out on my channel if you want to dive deeper!
I'm boy who came at starting… 😅Sry for interruption…
How old that little boy in 2024
is this still up to date ?
I am a beginner in coding, Since this course is 5 years old Is this still worth it or should I go for some other JS tutorials
Would this suffice for me to start with React?
tyy very great course
does this video include DOM manipulation?
Ayyo Hindi audio😳
Thank you for us , people that can't afford college money… !!!
why it is null when you write var a; for a and why it is undefined when I wrote this code ? PLEASE ANSWER. Thank you for instance
started today. Looking forward to make it big
Love the Ren and Stimpy joke at the 47min mark
why is bro using var??
according to google javascript style guide 5.1.1 "Use const and let
Declare all local variables with either const or let. Use const by default, unless a variable needs to be reassigned. The var keyword must not be used."
How the hell some people are able to understand this program whereas I can even understand a single thing f****k….
I am a backend developer…and switching to angular and here I have great advantage of learning java as I can understand java script very easily so the typescript ….