WP Tutorials

Intro to Java Programming – Course for Absolute Beginners

Intro to Java Programming – Course for Absolute Beginners

Intro to Java Programming – Course for Absolute Beginners

Java is a general-purpose programming language. Learn how to program in Java in this full tutorial course. This is a complete Java course meant for absolute beginners. No prior programming experience is required.

Course created by Tech with Tim. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4JX40jDee_tINbkjycV4Sg

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:06:18) Variables & Data Types
⌨️ (0:17:55) Basic Operators
⌨️ (0:29:36) Input and Scanners
⌨️ (0:38:40) Conditions and Booleans
⌨️ (0:49:54) If/Else/Else If
⌨️ (1:00:08) Nested Statements
⌨️ (1:07:18) Arrays
⌨️ (1:15:29) For Loops
⌨️ (1:24:46) For Loops (Continued)
⌨️ (1:34:10) While Loops
⌨️ (1:40:50) Sets and Lists
⌨️ (1:55:25) Maps & HashMaps
⌨️ (2:07:46) Maps Example
⌨️ (2:16:09) Introduction to Objects
⌨️ (2:29:05) Creating Classes
⌨️ (2:44:06) Inheritance
⌨️ (2:57:50) What Does STATIC Mean?
⌨️ (3:07:02) Overloading Methods & Object Comparisons
⌨️ (3:17:37) Inner Classes
⌨️ (3:25:23) Interfaces
⌨️ (3:37:32) Enums

Download the Eclipse editor: https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://medium.freecodecamp.org


Comments (48)

  1. Nice game

  2. How tf I just woke up and this video was playing

  3. I would just like to say that this comment is fully endorsed by The Norwegian Big and Beautiful Naked Bungee Jumpers Society.

  4. Does anyone know how to make the actual eclipse ide black like his is, mines white and i want it to be black. can anyone help me

  5. Anyone else just wake up here?

  6. Geda

  7. I downloaded the Eclipse program on my phone in order to transfer it via flash drive to my computer because I do not have a network connector, and after the downloads are finished, I do not open it. It tells me, “It is impossible to download this file.” What should I do?

  8. he is tech with tim or he is looking like him but is an another person

  9. DBS ka phatka, enemy ko laga jhatka😅✨

  10. (0:00:00) Introduction

    (0:06:18) Variables & Data Types

    (0:17:55) Basic Operators

    (0:29:36) Input and Scanners

    (0:38:40) Conditions and Booleans

    (0:49:54) If/Else/Else If

    (1:00:08) Nested Statements

    (1:07:18) Arrays

    (1:15:29) For Loops

    (1:24:46) For Loops (Continued)

    (1:34:10) While Loops

    1:40:50) Sets and Lists

    (1:55:25) Maps & HashMaps

    (2:07:46) Maps Example

    (2:16:09) Introduction to Objects

    (2:29:05) Creating Classes

    (2:44:06) Inheritance

    (2:57:50) What Does STATIC Mean?

    (3:07:02) Overloading Methods & Object Comparisons

    (3:17:37) Inner Classes

    (3:25:23) Interfaces


  11. 🎉. lo.m😅😊😊ml😊😅😊😊lpm😊😅😊m LP😊😅m😅😊m😊😊ml😊😊m😊😊😊😊l😊m😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊k😊m😊😊lm😊ll😊mm😊

  12. this tutorial is good i understand everything

  13. This just popped up on my recommendation, seems like its a reminder for me to go bsck to work lol

  14. Hey. What video software you using?

  15. The notion of a flawless marriage or relationship is a myth. There's no set formula for success; what works for one couple may not work for another. Yet, I've discovered that there's always a way forward, even in the most challenging times. Five years ago, my wife and I encountered significant hurdles in our marriage that nearly led to divorce. Despite the adversity, we managed to weather the storm and emerge from it with our bond renewed and revitalized

  16. How to learn java literally:


  17. I think the algorithm knows when I've fallen asleep. I'll fall asleep to videos of people working at machine shops, only to suddenly be dreaming about variables and inheritance. Happens all the time.

  18. For me, this video was worth it, I learned a lot

  19. I found this kids youtube channel before I found him on freecodecamps page and idk how that works 😅 Kid does a good job teaching, though. Worth a follow, or at least an interact with some of his vids, especially if you are interested in learning programming.

  20. Thank you SO much for this content. It really is incredible. Please don't stop making these valuable videos.

  21. Breathtaking

  22. Just one question,
    What JDK version did the Instructor use?

    I would like the instructor had mentioned which version to install as well the required IDE to install before anything. Because it is being assumed we know this part already, hence teh skipping.

    Thanks in advance.

  23. Because they are liars on the left complete liars this was the same with same sex marriage this was the same with the vaccine they were against it, but they saw the profits they would make they came up with lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations, that’s the left ! They lie for profit they don’t do anything for the people, just their corporate masters! please don’t take my word only this research and you will see for yourselves. They just tell pure lies.

  24. 3:11:18 you can drop the if-else
    public boolean equals(Student other) {
    return this.name == other.name;

  25. Another possible solution for the first Exercise is:
    //Exercise how often is a letter in a string stored in a map
    String letter = "Hello World, this is counting the chars!";

    Map<Character, Integer> numChar = new HashMap<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < letter.length(); i++) {
    char curChar = letter.charAt(i);

    numChar.put(curChar, numChar.getOrDefault(curChar, 0)+1);


    for (Map.Entry<Character, Integer> entry : numChar.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println("Character '" + entry.getKey() + "' occurs " + entry.getValue() + " times.");

  26. Thanks!

  27. Thanks for the videos, but I think my brain just isn't flexible enough for this style of teaching. I kept expecting a lead-in like, "If you wanted to do this and this, here's a way to do it in Java…" but it's more like, "Here's a function of Java. I'm going to throw in names for variables that will make sense after it's done," and then they don't make sense at the end… I know, it's me.

  28. Love from India ❤

  29. Bro, you don't master java. You're confusing us

  30. Thanks! Really useful. This helped Java "click". I started to stop the presentation and type out the line of Java before the instructor did. It helped me learn really fast. (I do have extensive experience in C — that helped.

  31. Please do python

  32. package tutorial;

    import java.util.HashSet;

    import java.util.Scanner;

    import java.util.Set;

    public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Set<Integer> t = new HashSet<Integer>();







    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:

    HashSet cannot be resolved to a type

    I have an issue can someone please explain what I am doing wrong?

  33. Awesome explainer as always!

  34. I have seen many courses in YT on JAVA trust me this is the best course where all the concepts and logics have been covered, literally worth completing this guys course

  35. Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance for the darkmode like he has in this video

  36. here studying for my final

  37. if you have an int statement within an if statement, you don't have to create more curly brackets , you can just omit the curly brackets.

  38. wow honestly that's pretty easy

  39. rang

  40. For loops continued

  41. just starting this
    !.date 23 october 2023 4444

  42. how to calculate it, I'm typing what already

    Write a JavaScript function that receives a number and returns the square of that number.

  43. I got a test tmr on this! 😂wish me luck

  44. Well done

  45. watching from INDIA,lots of love

  46. I've been learning app development for a while, and this video is a great addition to my resources. Keep up the good work

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