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How to Present Your Work to Clients (3 ACTIONABLE TIPS)

How to Present Your Work to Clients (3 ACTIONABLE TIPS)

How to Present Your Work to Clients (3 ACTIONABLE TIPS)

Learn from my mistakes!


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Comments (6)

  1. So many thumbs up to the 'dont show too many options'

  2. Those are great tips

  3. I know big branding agencies that show 5 directions.

  4. I'm (still) guilty of showing bad options. In my experience they almost always choose them and I either spend extra energy trying to explain politely why they shouldn't or end up with yet another job I'm hesitant to put in my portfolio.

  5. I am a junior UI UX Designer. I applied for more than 15 junior UI UX positions (including Internship), although i have good junior portfoilo, I got rejected. Feel Disappointed. any advice FLUX ? . Thanks

  6. "Don't show bad options" I had this backfire on a few occasions and learned the hard way. The client ALWAYS went for the worst, or asked to take elements from the worst and integrate them, thus making everything turn to sh!t.

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