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How To Build a One-Man Design Agency Doing $500k/y

How To Build a One-Man Design Agency Doing 0k/y

How To Build a One-Man Design Agency Doing $500k/y

Ignite Your Freelance Design Career In 4 Weeks – https://bit.ly/3OiYCIy

Rich’s Agency: https://www.richardmediacompany.com/
Rich’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richwebz/

In today’s episode, I’m talking to Rich Webster, a designer making $500,000 a year as an agency owner who only works 15 hours a week! When I first heard this, I thought, “This doesn’t sound possible, ” so I need to check out this guy. Our conversation was so fun, and I also learned some things, so I hope you enjoy our conversation.


00:00 – Intro
00:25 – Rich’s Background
07:05 – Career Growth
11:30 – Stacking Skills
13:17 – Collaborating
21:00 – Freelance vs Agency
23:17 – Growth Systems
32:17 – Knowing when to say “this is enough”
40:00 – Why I teach now

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Comments (37)

  1. Rich, when you mentioned the bit about the lifestyle entrepreneur whose aim is to earn x much so they can chill and live the lifestyle they want rather than scaling indefinitely, that resonated with me deeply. For me, my work or business is there to do one thing and one thing only: sustain the lifestyle I want not me tailor my lifestyle around it. I feel like in this fast-paced, consumerised world, there's too much pressure to achieve more and more at work or in business. IMO, life is not about that; if we think back to hunter/gatherer societies, we got up early, did what we needed to do for sustenance and then came back early in the day, socialised or explored the rest of the time. Personally, this battle between scaling and "just living" is probably the reason many people fail to even get some ideas off the ground, because they know that scaling and all the headaches that come with it are inevitable and that's not what they're about but subconsciously feel they'd be a failure if they didn't build a "scalable business" so abort before they even start.

  2. Fake people

  3. As a traditionally trained Creative I understand that the streamlining (automisation) of the design business (especially using AI to replace/displace trained "human" talent) is something I may find repulsive but also realise the futility of rebelling against it is pointless.

  4. 42:42 I think it was Robert Kiyosaki, who said in his book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, that if your business requires your presence in order for it to function, it is not your business. It is a job you’ve created. He talks about getting your business to a point where it does not require your presence and that is my goal.

  5. 24:44 yes!!! I’m starting my my design agency and my biggest concern is pricing model as a Ui/UX designer and product designer

  6. I love this video… I just wish you wouldn’t talk over your guest… we miss a lot of good things because you talk over them and then there’s two people talking. So at points it’s hard to listen to.

  7. What happen to his site?

  8. Oh my goodness I couldn’t finish watching out of feeling anger for the man being interviewed. No hate you have to start somewhere but if I were asked to be interviewed by you and this is the example I saw that would turn me off so fast. You have to learn to listen, repeat, and then share your thoughts or move on. That poor guy was interrupted every question. This was more like watching two guys on a zoom than a professional interview.

  9. Excellent conversation guys, thank you for the insight!

  10. stop. interrupting.

  11. side note: they both look like brothers from another mother 😅

  12. As one of the best creative directors in the world, one that has worked in the top ad agencies in London for 17 years, and won tonnes of awards. And not to sound rude, but with MUCH better creative work that Rich, where would I start to become a one man agency?

  13. BS!!! Has someone saw his portfolio? Daaamm is to bad. This guy sell courses. PERIOD

  14. The guy is named Rich… Web(mas)ter…
    Go figure !

  15. I enjoyed the interview but how often does he have to be interrupted. Sheesh!

  16. Wow, this conversation is so insightful and has helped me brainstorm new ways of thinking for my own business. Thanks!

  17. Not sure why this is even titled “One-Man Agency” which is a contradiction. Is that click bait? And when anyone doesn’t actually talk about take home profits, it doesn’t really share the reality of the situation or useful.

  18. I don't know RIck… his website says it all.

  19. As a designer, I'm happy for him, of course, but I don't think he can make $500k/year; such an amount is impossible, especially working that many hours. I think it's just publicity. I hope I'm wrong, and he enjoys his half a million, but this doesn't inspire designers who have been in the industry for over 20 years.

  20. Nice chat guys but man…let him finish his point. 🙃

  21. 18:50 Not True. That mentality is only applicable when you trade time for money. Aim for ways to make money while you sleep thru residuals

  22. 12:40 How will copywriting not be replaced by AI, it already is.

  23. 500k a year and getting interviewed from a small living room. Just another bullshit smma that sells courses. Don't get why he gets this platform.

  24. Great interview! But looking at some of the negative comments below I am a bit nervous about my own interview with Ran that will be published tomorrow 😂 but hey… I had so much fun and it was my first interview ever. Great experience!

  25. That was super insightful! Thank you for asking all the right questions! I wanna know more about Rich's way of building his company, im sure there is so much more to dive into, but this chat gave me the kickstart I needed, thanks!

  26. Hey guys, I really enjoyed the info but id like to offer a bit of critique. Observation: Interviewer keeps interrupting/correcting the viewpoint of the podcast guest when it doesn't quite align with their personal worldview. I wonder how the information would come across to us as viewers if both perspectives were voiced completely, then each participant could acknowledge the contrast in opinion. I believe we would benefit from making connections ourselves as we are led into thought by witnessing your conversation. Cheers!

  27. I want to start doing similar interviews on my channel. What's the best way to record these?

  28. Good show! I really enjoyed the discussion and I have a couple of suggestions for you Ran.

    First, I think you could work on your response timing. There were a few moments in the interview where you jumped in before the guest had a chance to finish their point. This threw off the listening experience a bit. I would suggest letting the guests develop their points for a bit longer before interjecting.

    Second, I think you could ask more open-ended questions. Some of your questions were very specific, which limited the scope of the discussion. I would suggest asking more open-ended questions that allow Rich to share his thoughts and ideas more fully.

    Overall, I thought the interview was great. The content was interesting, and the guest was engaging. I just wanted to offer a couple of suggestions to help you improve your interviewing skills.

    Thanks for listening!

  29. Thanks for the tips, Flux!

  30. Would love for this to be on podcast platforms for easier on-the-go listening!

  31. Just by looking at this guy and hearing him talk for the first 2 minutes, I know he's full of it. Sure, there are people making bank as a one man agency, but he's not one of them. And I mean, solely off of design / development and not some corny ass course.

  32. Ran, I feel like you interrupted Rich so many times that wasn't necessary.

  33. I’m about 5 mins in to the place where he says “Design is all about just copying other people’s work…” And it strikes me that this should be titled “How to learn the type of “design” skills that AI is perfectly optimized to Decimate in the next 2-3 years.”

  34. Another fake guru…. I can bet he is selling or will sell an online course on how to create and run a web design agency. Dude your protfolio is mediocre at best. I can't believe that you once again promote these fake gurus on your videos, what a shame…

  35. good interview but wished the interviewer didn't cut him off so much

  36. Super valuable information, thanks for sharing! 🚀

  37. So basically he's no one-man agency since he delegates so many tasks. He is one owner of an agency. He doesn't run social media and yet he's over 200K followers on instagram. Hm

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