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Frontend Web Development Bootcamp Course (JavaScript, HTML, CSS)

Frontend Web Development Bootcamp Course (JavaScript, HTML, CSS)

Frontend Web Development Bootcamp Course (JavaScript, HTML, CSS)

Learn JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in this Frontend Web Development course. In this massive course, you will go from no coding experience to having the essential skills of a frontend web developer. You will learn various web development technologies and create a few projects along the way.

✏️ Course from Zach Gollwitzer. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZachGollwitzer

💻 Code and Resources: https://github.com/zachgoll/fullstack-roadmap-series/blob/main/free-code-camp.md

⌨️ (00:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (00:04:45) Your first JavaScript program
⌨️ (00:28:14) What is JavaScript?
⌨️ (00:56:04) JavaScript variables
⌨️ (01:45:28) Basic JavaScript challenges
⌨️ (01:45:54) JavaScript operators
⌨️ (02:39:10) 5 more JavaScript challenges
⌨️ (02:50:09) JavaScript functions, conditionals, loops
⌨️ (03:55:03) 25 Beginner JavaScript practice problems
⌨️ (06:07:47) Built-in JavaScript methods
⌨️ (06:25:46) Callback functions
⌨️ (06:45:53) JavaScript primitives
⌨️ (06:54:04) JavaScript Dates
⌨️ (07:02:21) Regular Expressions
⌨️ (07:25:01) JavaScript String methods
⌨️ (07:40:45) JavaScript Array methods
⌨️ (08:16:41) Math utilities with JavaScript
⌨️ (08:23:11) Error types and other JavaScript concepts
⌨️ (08:39:15) 10 Beginner / Intermediate JavaScript practice problems
⌨️ (10:02:33) HTML Crash Course
⌨️ (11:00:10) “About me page” HTML challenge
⌨️ (11:02:51) Document Object Model (DOM)
⌨️ (12:23:56) HTML + JavaScript “Meme Generator” challenge
⌨️ (13:12:17) CSS Crash Course
⌨️ (14:11:49) The CSS Box Model
⌨️ (14:36:46) Most common CSS properties
⌨️ (15:43:51) Frontend Mentor CSS “Pricing Card” challenge
⌨️ (17:11:16) Introduction to responsive web design
⌨️ (18:16:27) CSS Flexbox Crash Course
⌨️ (19:40:45) Frontend Mentor CSS Flexbox “Testimonials” challenge
⌨️ (21:13:27) Final thoughts and next steps

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Raymond Odero
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 aldo ferretti
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news


Comments (28)

  1. Hope everyone enjoys the course as much as I enjoyed making it! Big thanks to FCC for being an awesome resource for those trying to advance their knowledge and careers. I learned a TON from FCC when I was starting and feels great to be able to give back years later!

  2. "Functions conditionals and loops section" is described not very well.

  3. You are a gem💎. Thank you for teaching 😇

  4. thanks

  5. 👍👍

  6. Thanks, very useful.

  7. Thanks, very useful.

  8. It's great to be here. You guys are really trying. It's not all that can do this.

    I'm so happy. Keep up the good work.

  9. Enjoying the course , The JavaScript a bit of a challenge.

  10. Is it enough to learn whole frontend and crack the interview?

  11. So, first of all , thank you for the course, it has helped me so much. I just wanted to say, in case it helps someone, I struggled with callback functions a bit, and I realised it was because my knowledge on fuctions was not very good and I didn't understand them that well. So I found some other explanations and videos and when I came back to this one, everything made more sense. So if you're also struggling with callback functions or arrow functions or whatever, it might be a good idea to rewatch the part of this video where functions were introduced, or find another tutorial on functions, because even though this tutorial is very good it might help to hear another explanation or something. I rly hope this helps someone 🙂 or maybe it's only me who is struggling with functions…

  12. I finished finally after starting this back in Christmas. I went through it quickly then and left it somewhere in the CSS part and around a week ago I got back to it, reviewed JS and HTML, and grinded through all the CSS projects. Now to make some bigger projects!

  13. Hey i'm new to this course can i watch this course because i want to become a web developer. Can i

  14. I solved the vowels count kata by splitting the string to an array first and then checking the array elements with a loop. But then I saw that some people didn't split the string and just checked the characters of the string and it also worked. So I wondered is one way better than the other?

  15. 9:30:25 =>

    function persistence(num) {

    let count = 0;

    while (num >= 10 ) {

    let product = 1;

    let num1 = num;

    while (num1 > 0) {

    product *= num1 % 10;

    num1 = Math.floor(num1 / 10);


    num = product;



    return count;


  16. 8:45:52 order of the conditions are wrong first will if the string is grater than zero later on will check the type, this solution could cause exception in some cases

  17. Is the viewers really benefited or not?

  18. The challenge
    showed at 2:39:13 is wrong,the second snippet of the code should be using a == instead of ===;
    How it stands both snippets of code are equal and thats not how its represented in github.

  19. Not sure if this has already been said, but lesson 4 challenge #2 has the same exact code for both snippets 😭I checked it like six times but I mean the idea was pretty clear so I'll stop whining. I really like the challenges for each section, definitely helping me with retention. Thanks for the awesome course!

  20. We got a problem here in challenge number 2, the section of operators. There will be == instead of === .

  21. 2:39:14 two snippets are the same with triple eq sign

  22. Good video.

  23. 25:41 instead of colors.length should be (colors.length – 1) in other case we could get out of bounds because the array index counts from 0

  24. That was just..amazing..thanks a lot

  25. who has become a front end web dev? 🙂

  26. One of the best course. Explained everything in great depth. Thankyou!❤

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