WP Tutorials

Designing an App in 30min Using Figma (Challenge)

Designing an App in 30min Using Figma (Challenge)

Designing an App in 30min Using Figma (Challenge)

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Maddy Beard takes on the challenge of designing a concept app in 30 minutes! Watch as she establishes a wireframe, chooses a color palette + fonts, and prototypes the final result within a limited timeframe. Can she do it?! 😬

Check out Maddy’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MaddyBeard

00:00 – Introducing the Design Challenge
00:49 – Wire framing in Figma
07:05 – Choosing Colors & Fonts
12:30 – Designing the App
30:25 – Prototyping Interactions
33:19 – The Reveal!

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How do you think she did? Let us know in the comments 💬

#uidesign #productdesign #figma


Comments (21)

  1. that icon font blew my mind 🤯🤯

  2. Niceeee…..learnt new things.

    It's your exclamations for me 😅

  3. Can someone explain what she did with icons how did she do that

  4. Totally loved watching this plus I learned a thing or two🤗

  5. You’re just so awesome! I wanna try make an app, with you!

  6. she speak like through is not clear,, really its very irritating I don't think she need to make that type of voice..

  7. It's amazing, thank you,it's really helpful ❤

  8. Awesome!!! Congratulations🎉👏🏻 I loved it. It's inspiring for beginners like me seeing what can be done in really a short time with experience. Thanks for sharing. I helped a lot.

  9. Go into your account and change background of figma there

  10. ❤❤❤❤❤

  11. you can use auto layout on the buttom componet to make it easier

  12. you did great, I learned a lot from this video

  13. You are awesome! God job!

  14. Hii can send your fonts app

  15. Saying it's an app is a click bite. It's sketch of an app. But you did well, just don't click bite…

  16. Thank you, it was very helpful 🙂

  17. Good Job!!!

  18. Great Job

  19. 30min design… days of development😂😂😂😂… Great Video

  20. This is so fun & I like the way you did it. Will be appreciated for more videos

  21. how mnay colour do you pick for an app ? whats the difference between neutral , primary and secondary colours in mobile Ui.. ? thanks

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