WP Tutorials

CSS Tutorial – Zero to Hero (Complete Course)

CSS Tutorial – Zero to Hero (Complete Course)

CSS Tutorial – Zero to Hero (Complete Course)

Learn CSS in this full course for beginners. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheet, is responsible for the styling and looks of a website.

In this course, we cover CSS from the ground up. You will learn everything from basic skills, such as coloring and text, to highly advanced skills, like custom animations.

You will learn about:
•And more!

💻 Code: https://github.com/Video-Lab/css-course-content

🎥 Course from Jad Khalili. To view more content from this instructor, visit:

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Course Achievements & Results
⌨️ (0:02:36) Introduction to Course
⌨️ (0:11:19) Downloading Necessary Software
⌨️ (0:12:30) Where to Find Project Files

⌨️ (0:14:28) What is CSS?
⌨️ (0:17:09) Creating & Linking a CSS Stylesheet
⌨️ (0:20:39) How to Test a Stylesheet

⌨️ (0:22:12) What is a Selector?
⌨️ (0:25:54) Classes & ID’s in HTML
⌨️ (0:31:52) Specificity & When to use Selectors
⌨️ (0:39:13) Pseudoselectors
⌨️ (0:47:58) Advanced Selectors
⌨️ (0:59:30) Attribute Selectors
⌨️ (0:09:38) What are Properties?
⌨️ (1:12:59) The CSS General Rule

⌨️ (1:17:37) Types of Colors
⌨️ (1:24:53) Coloring Text
⌨️ (1:32:30) Background Colors
⌨️ (1:36:56) Images/URL’s in CSS
⌨️ (1:42:30) Other Background Properties
⌨️ (1:48:59) Opacity/Transparency
⌨️ (1:52:17) Gradients

⌨️ (2:04:12) Introduction to Types of Units
⌨️ (2:15:57) Text Manipulation
⌨️ (2:23:54) Font Size, Bolding & Style
⌨️ (2:30:33) Font Families
⌨️ (2:37:08) Including External Fonts w/ Google Fonts
⌨️ (2:43:14) Using External Fonts

⌨️ (2:49:07) The CSS Box Model
⌨️ (2:53:18) Changing Content Size
⌨️ (2:59:07) CSS Borders
⌨️ (3:05:51) Margin & Padding
⌨️ (3:15:17) Float & Display Types

⌨️ (3:27:47) What is Flexbox?
⌨️ (3:31:35) Creating a Flex Container
⌨️ (3:34:09) Flex Direction & Wrap
⌨️ (3:38:26) Content Alignment
⌨️ (3:44:45) Flex Item Order
⌨️ (3:49:32) Shrink, Grow, & Basis
⌨️ (4:00:03) The ‘flex’ Property
⌨️ (4:03:21) Item Alignment

⌨️ (4:08:16) Grid vs Flexbox
⌨️ (4:11:14) Creating a Grid
⌨️ (4:13:30) Template Columns & Rows
⌨️ (4:21:12) Justify & Align Grid
⌨️ (4:28:10) Row & Column Gaps
⌨️ (4:33:13) Column & Row Lines
⌨️ (4:40:46) Grid Area

⌨️ (4:44:38) The Transition Property
⌨️ (4:58:05) Transformation Functions
⌨️ (5:12:26) Creating Animations w/ Keyframes
⌨️ (5:20:30) Adding an Animation
⌨️ (5:23:23) Animation Properties

⌨️ (5:34:49) Website Transformation Challenge
⌨️ (5:38:22) Website Transformation – SOLUTION
⌨️ (6:13:32) What to Learn Next

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news


Comments (49)

  1. Thanks for featuring me! I hope you all enjoy the content. Good luck learning CSS!

  2. If you wanna to see motivational content, join with me  ❤

  3. alright, Let's MOVE ONn!

  4. now i learned how to move on !!!!

  5. Watched this course two years ago to start my journey as a web dev and stopped working for a year. 😕 I almost forgot everything and here I am after 2 years.

  6. I have a question how i can start use CSS for digital marketing

  7. alright, lets move on
    no position
    great videos anyway

  8. I am basically learning HTML & CSS from freecodecamp, so how can I earn certificates related to these?

  9. Good tutorial

  10. The descriptions for next-sibling (+) and subsequent-sibling (~) combinators at around 0:52:00 do not appear to match the CSS documentation. Both only select an element when the component selectors have the same parent. However, the subsequent-sibling combinator does not require the selectors to be adjacent.

  11. I wish there was a love reaction

  12. This is one of the finest css tutorial and the fact that this was uploaded 4 years ago, i couldn't find any better css tutorial than this

  13. Thank you so much

  14. Subtitle running too late 😢😢

  15. 💯💯💯

  16. This video better than college 😅 thanks a lot.. 2023 still watching

  17. can anyone help the subtitles dont work i am in troube

  18. the subtitle dont work correctly

  19. Best tutorial!

  20. Please create a course for
    SCSS or Sass

  21. Hello there I am facing problem in making linear gardients according to code can you please give me some guideline about gradients

  22. #CheckList
    Day 1 – 1:42:36 Other background Properties
    Day 2 – 2:16:04 Text Manipulation
    Day 3- 3:15:29 Float & Display Types
    Day 4- 4:21:12 Justify & Align Grid
    Day 5- 4:44:38 The Transition Property

  23. aiit, I finished the vid

  24. subtitles are wrong timings …1@#$%^&

  25. Fantastic! Clear explanations and practical examples make learning CSS a breeze. Thank you!🙌

  26. Thank you Tom Holland!

  27. I learned a lot from it. Thanks a lot.!.!🤍

  28. 4:32

    Grid-gap = Gap

    Grid-column-gap = Column-gap

    Grid-crow-gap = Row-gap

  29. The subtitles in this one are either wrong or out of sync, please fix!

  30. The subtitle is not good

  31. Your tutorial is very understandable and interesting, its very helpful, is there any tutorial for HTML?

  32. It's faster with 1.5x

  33. ⌨ (0:00:00) Course Achievements & Results

    ⌨ (0:02:36) Introduction to Course

    ⌨ (0:11:19) Downloading Necessary Software

    ⌨ (0:12:30) Where to Find Project Files

    ⌨ (0:14:28) What is CSS?

    ⌨ (0:17:09) Creating & Linking a CSS Stylesheet

    ⌨ (0:20:39) How to Test a Stylesheet

    ⌨ (0:22:12) What is a Selector?

    ⌨ (0:25:54) Classes & ID's in HTML

    ⌨ (0:31:52) Specificity & When to use Selectors

    ⌨ (0:39:13) Pseudoselectors

    ⌨ (0:47:58) Advanced Selectors

    ⌨ (0:59:30) Attribute Selectors

    ⌨ (0:09:38) What are Properties?

    ⌨ (1:12:59) The CSS General Rule

    ⌨ (1:17:37) Types of Colors

    ⌨ (1:24:53) Coloring Text

    ⌨ (1:32:30) Background Colors

    ⌨ (1:36:56) Images/URL's in CSS

    ⌨ (1:42:30) Other Background Properties

    ⌨ (1:48:59) Opacity/Transparency

    ⌨ (1:52:17) Gradients

    ⌨ (2:04:12) Introduction to Types of Units

    ⌨ (2:15:57) Text Manipulation

    ⌨ (2:23:54) Font Size, Bolding & Style

    ⌨ (2:30:33) Font Families

    ⌨ (2:37:08) Including External Fonts w/ Google Fonts

    ⌨ (2:43:14) Using External Fonts

    ⌨ (2:49:07) The CSS Box Model

    ⌨ (2:53:18) Changing Content Size

    ⌨ (2:59:07) CSS Borders

    ⌨ (3:05:51) Margin & Padding

    ⌨ (3:15:17) Float & Display Types

    ⌨ (3:27:47) What is Flexbox?

    ⌨ (3:31:35) Creating a Flex Container

    ⌨ (3:34:09) Flex Direction & Wrap

    ⌨ (3:38:26) Content Alignment

    ⌨ (3:44:45) Flex Item Order

    ⌨ (3:49:32) Shrink, Grow, & Basis

    ⌨ (4:00:03) The 'flex' Property

    ⌨ (4:03:21) Item Alignment

    ⌨ (4:08:16) Grid vs Flexbox

    ⌨ (4:11:14) Creating a Grid

    ⌨ (4:13:30) Template Columns & Rows

    ⌨ (4:21:12) Justify & Align Grid

    ⌨ (4:28:10) Row & Column Gaps

    ⌨ (4:33:13) Column & Row Lines

    ⌨ (4:40:46) Grid Area

    ⌨ (4:44:38) The Transition Property

    ⌨ (4:58:05) Transformation Functions

    ⌨ (5:12:26) Creating Animations w/ Keyframes

    ⌨ (5:20:30) Adding an Animation

    ⌨ (5:23:23) Animation Properties

    ⌨ (5:34:49) Website Transformation Challenge

    ⌨ (5:38:22) Website Transformation – SOLUTION

    ⌨ (6:13:32) What to Learn Next

  34. You have a great way of explaining…
    Where can i find your html courses please?

  35. If this guy had a GF suddenly , he said "Let's Move on !" it would be a Instant Breakup 😂

  36. Well it works in notepad even if you don't put the semicolon 1:12:56

  37. Anyone needing notes on this as a lifelong reference, here ya go: file:///Users/veronikakochetova/Downloads/CSS%20Easy%20Blueprint.pdf

  38. You though us how to type the codes but can you please tell us how to go to that black thing to type the code

  39. Don't waste your time on watching this course.

  40. Halfway done🎉

  41. glad that i got this video for css.great work👍 learned alot.

  42. Currently doing the Responsive Web Design course with freecodecamp. It's amazing at the moment and I still have to learn a lot with HTML and CSS. What I love about the course is its ability to teach and correct you when you are incorrect

  43. Please speak in hindi.

  44. attribute selector 1:02:40

  45. 37:14 sorry but bulshit concept, that class and id is more powerful than selector etc..
    it is a waterfall process, just place the code of selector below class and id and then see which code will effect🤐🤐🤐

  46. I don't know you but Thank you so much from my side I had started this course on march 25 and finished on April 2 You are such an inspiration to me and many as well. Love from India ❤ more specially is the way to speak thanks again!

  47. great course

  48. While the idea is great, some of the examples are confusing and not so clear. Pseudo classes/elements, only a few of them are mentioned.

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