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Complete Layout Guide

Complete Layout Guide

Complete Layout Guide

Watch Part 2 (Grouping, Scale, and Sequence): https://youtu.be/_Pp0JHEswMk
Watch Part 3 (Alignment, Balance, and Grids): https://youtu.be/DP9Bzd4_-NM

πŸ€‘ FREE “Principles of Layout” Handbook – Download here πŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/3M7cuB3 πŸ€‘

Don’t waste more time dragging things around until they look good. Watch Matt talk about the Principles of Layout on Part One of this three-part series of videos. In today’s episode, he discusses 3 ideas: Focal Point, White Space, and Hierarchy.

00:00 – Introduction
01:00 – Focal Point
02:38 – White Space
03:48 – Hierarchy
04:56 – Examples

⬇ Did you find this video helpful? Tell us what you think in the comments section and stay tuned for the next two videos. ⬇

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Thanks for watching our video!

#Design #Layout #FluxAcademy


Comments (34)

  1. The Pantone section had me giggling

  2. Been a musician and graphic designer for many years. Many designers are also musicians Same part of the brain

  3. Great channel! Keep up the good work 😊

  4. I'm learning web/layout design for work, and music production in my spare time. The similarities just blew my mind. 🀯

  5. great

  6. Balls

  7. Great video so far(just over 4mins in) but as a Brit listening to a Brit, it’s disappointing to hear the American influence on British vernacular. The British version of the word is ’orientate’. Just saying.

  8. The Pantone website knows what they are doing. The shop Now button is the focal point. They probably noticed a problem that people don’t know they can buy straight from their site. Their designers decided to do something radical. A test of conversion rate optimization may tell them the design is just right.

  9. I was hoping for a Pantone redesign.

  10. Interesting… Can you do apps specifically?

  11. My brother works with Pantone and has redesigned a bunch of their things. Look much better now

  12. You’re a complete artist

  13. Hello everyone, how are you? If anyone can help me, I would be grateful. In the focal point part, which side of the page would you recommend my focal point to be on? Left, right or center.

  14. Flux academy is resourceful

  15. Hello! Thank you so much for this great information! However, I've been unable to download the handbook from your website, please what can I do??

  16. Quality above quantity

  17. Amazing video, thanks πŸ™

  18. cool video)

  19. At 1:40 all I can look at is that red square thing in the left….

  20. bashing PANTONE 9:14

  21. The Pantone example is what's known as a madman's s**t.

  22. Wow, I needed to see that trainwreck of a Pantone website myself, but they changed it. Now they have a "SHOP ALL" button that is not exactly centered and looks slightly different than their other buttons, they have a carousel for four items that SHOWS four items, they have randomly rounded corners or straight corners on their images, they have text as image, random headline styles, wrong line-spacing… They jumped from the frying pan into the fire, it's glorious πŸ˜‚

  23. So, what I learn so far, from this video is create a focal point add a bold or sharp heading or title and very small text paragraph limited lines

    And a lot of white space.

  24. Bro said a whole lotta nothing

  25. Super! Great comparison between mixing and designing.

  26. love it, thanks

  27. -3db integrated loudness music would like a work about needing quiet spaces in between xD

  28. White space, isnt proper name for this. It called negative space in photography and this name is not only correct but also more accurate.

  29. 10:10 I didn't even realize that was a video until you pointed it out there is so much going on in that image.

  30. Thanks!

  31. Helpful video.

  32. I'm amazed by the comprehensive nature of this content. A book with similar substance offered immense insights. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Theodore Blaze

  33. Mah man created an amazing guide!! You earned yoself another subscriber mah man

  34. the pantone web site is sh*tty as it was. Can't believe that how badly it is designed.

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