WP Tutorials

Can Web Design be self-taught?

Can Web Design be self-taught?

Can Web Design be self-taught?

#Webdesigner #Design #shorts

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Comments (8)

  1. Im a 13 yo, i know some programming language and made many websites can i be a web designer?

  2. God darn I have paid for this 6month long class about web design what am I supposed to do nowπŸ™‚ I kinda feel stuck and feel like I'm not learning anything others in class are actually better than me and had experience but I didn't even know you can't hack with html or what is css what should I do now?

  3. Nowadays I actually learn from you Ran Segall and Daniel Scotr from BringYourOwnLaptop you guys are both pros on how to teach these thingsπŸ‘πŸ™πŸ»β€

  4. Thank Ras !

  5. It means you're an autodidact, like Benjamin Franklin

  6. Yep I'm video Geek πŸ€“

  7. I don't know will surely learn from you one day Sir RanπŸ™‚. You're the best

  8. People also self learn coz of budget
    like me!
    I'm also preparing for UX design Internship so i could get a little experience of how is it.

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