AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)
August 10, 2024 2024-08-10 15:01AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)
AWS Certified Solutions Architect is one of the most popular cloud computing certifications. In this full course taught by an expert trainer, you will learn the major parts of Amazon Web Services, and prepare for the associate-level AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam. By the end of this course, you will be ready to take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam – and pass!
🎥 Course developed by Andrew Brown of ExamPro. Check out the ExamPro YouTube channel:
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⭐Course Contents⭐
Check the pinned comment for the course contents with time codes. This course is so massive the full contents won’t fit in this description!
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Comments (41)
⭐Course Contents – PART 1 ⭐
(Part 2 is a reply to this comment.)
☁️ Introduction
🎤 (0:00:00) Meet your Instructor
🎤 (0:01:12) Why Get the Solutions Architect Associate
🎤 (0:07:31) Exam Guide Overview
☁️ S3
🎤 (0:14:42) Introduction
🎤 (0:16:59) Storage Classes
🎤 (0:19:17) Storage Class Comparison
🎤 (0:21:12) Security
🎤 (0:23:17) Encryption
🎤 (0:24:41) Data Consistency
🎤 (0:25:45) Cross-Region Replication
🎤 (0:26:23) Versioning
🎤 (0:27:51) Lifecycle Management
🎤 (0:28:40) Transfer Acceleration
🎤 (0:29:26) Presigned URLs
🎤 (0:30:53) MFA Delete
⌨️ (0:31:50) Follow Along – Create & Delete a Bucket
⌨️ (0:33:48) Follow Along – Upload Files & Make Public
⌨️ (0:36:42) Follow Along – Versioning
⌨️ (0:42:45) Follow Along – Encryption
⌨️ (0:44:55) Follow Along – CLI
⌨️ (0:50:09) Follow Along – Lifecycle Policies
⌨️ (0:52:42) Follow Along – Cross Region Replication
⌨️ (0:55:24) Follow Along – Bucket Policies
📓 (0:58:39) S3 CheatSheet
☁️ Snowball
🎤 (1:05:26) Snowballl
🎤 (1:07:19) Snowball Edge
🎤 (1:08:41) Snowmobile
📓 (1:09:27) CheatSheet
☁️ VPC
🎤 (1:11:08) Introduction
🎤 (1:11:30) Core Components
🎤 (1:13:09) Key Features
🎤 (1:15:15) Default VPC
🎤 (1:16:38) Default Everywhere IP
🎤 (1:17:22) VPC Peering
🎤 (1:18:57) Route Tables
🎤 (1:19:56) Internet Gateway
🎤 (1:20:57) Bastions / Jumpbox
🎤 (1:22:30) Direct Connect
☁️ VPC Endpoints
🎤 (1:23:24) Introduction
🎤 (1:24:35) Interface Endpoints
🎤 (1:25:42) Gateway Endpoints
📓 (1:26:19) Cheatsheet
☁️ VPC Flow Logs
🎤 (1:27:04) Introduction
🎤 (1:28:13) Log Breakdown
📓 (1:29:09) Cheatsheet
🎤 (1:30:14) Introduction
🎤 (1:31:52) Use Case
📓 (1:32:30) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Security Groups
🎤 (1:33:43) Introduction
🎤 (1:35:26) Use Cases
🎤 (1:37:45) Limits
📓 (1:38:39) Cheat Sheet
☁️ NAT
🎤 (1:39:56) Introduction
🎤 (1:40:42) NAT Instances vs NAT Gateways
📓 (1:42:45) Cheatsheet
☁️ VPC Follow Along
⌨️ (1:44:30) Create VPC, IGW, Route Tables and Subnets
⌨️ (1:56:58) Launch an EC2 Instance
⌨️ (2:02:03) Groups, NACL and Bastion
⌨️ (2:14:59) NAT
⌨️ (2:18:24) VPC Endpoints
⌨️ (2:22:33) Flow Logs
⌨️ (2:25:24) Cleanup
☁️ IAM
🎤 (2:27:38) Introduction
🎤 (2:27:51) Core Components
🎤 (2:30:22) Types of Policies
🎤 (2:31:22) Policy Structure
🎤 (2:33:48) Password Policy
🎤 (2:34:14) Access Keys
🎤 (2:34:59) Multi-Factor Authentication
⌨️ (2:35:47) Follow Along
📓 (2:50:37) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Cognito
🎤 (2:52:30) Introduction
🎤 (2:53:12) Web Identity Federation
🎤 (2:54:17) User Pools
🎤 (2:56:19) Identity Pools
🎤 (2:57:32) Sync
📓 (2:58:12) Cheat Sheet
🎤 (2:59:30) Command Line Interface (CLI)
🎤 (3:00:59) Software Development Kit (SDK)
🎤 (3:02:08) Programmatic Access
⌨️ (3:03:17) Follow Along – Cloud 9 and CLI Setup
⌨️ (3:07:57) Follow Along – CLI
⌨️ (3:12:31) Follow Along – SDK
📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK Cheat Sheet
☁️ DNS
🎤 (3:21:46) Introduction
🎤 (3:22:35) Internet Protocol (IP)
🎤 (3:24:03) Domain Registrars
🎤 (3:25:06) Top-Level Domains
🎤 (3:26:06) Start of Authority (SOA)
🎤 (3:27:11) A Records
🎤 (3:27:52) CNAME Records
🎤 (3:28:36) NS Records
🎤 (3:29:29) Time To Live (TTL)
📓 (3:30:00) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Route 53
🎤 (3:31:36) Introduction
🎤 (3:32:24) Use Case
🎤 (3:33:32) Record Sets
🎤 (3:25:05) Routing Policies
🎤 (3:36:19) Simple Routing Policies
🎤 (3:37:13) Weighted Routing Policies
🎤 (3:38:15) Latency Based Routing
🎤 (3:39:23) Failover Routing Policies
🎤 (3:40:32) Geolocation Routing Policies
🎤 (3:41:05) Geoproximity Routing Policies
🎤 (3:42:57) Multi-Value Answer Policies
🎤 (3:43:25) Health Checks
🎤 (3:44:30) Resolver
📓 (3:45:07) Cheat Sheet
☁️ EC2
🎤 3:47:14) Introduction
🎤 3:48:48) Instance Types
🎤 3:50:52) Instance Sizes
🎤 3:51:42) Instance Profiles
🎤 3:53:01) Placement Groups
🎤 3:54:31) Userdata
🎤 3:55:26) Metadata
📓 3:56:12) EC2 Cheat Sheet
☁️ EC2 – Pricing
🎤 (3:48:05) Introduction
🎤 (3:58:23) On-Demand Instances
🎤 (3:58:59) Reserved Instances
🎤 (4:01:32) Spot Instances
🎤 (4:03:17) Dedicated Host Instances
📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing Cheat Sheet
☁️ AMI
🎤 (4:07:40) Introduction
🎤 (4:08:51) Use Cases
🎤 (4:10:08) Marketplace
🎤 (4:11:00) Create an AMI
🎤 (4:11:19) Choosing an AMI
🎤 (4:13:21) Coping an AMI
📓 (4:13:46) AMI Cheat Sheet
☁️ Auto Scaling Groups
🎤 (4:15:13) Introduction
🎤 (4:15:51) Capacity Settings
🎤 (4:17:02) Health Check Replacements
🎤 (4:18:23) Scaling Policies
🎤 (4:20:12) ELB Integration
🎤 (4:21:03) Use Case
🎤 (4:22:05) Launch Configuration
📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups Cheat Sheet
☁️ ELB
🎤 (4:25:04) Introduction
🎤 (4:25:52) Rules of Traffic
🎤 (4:28:03) Application Load Balancer (ALB)
🎤 (4:28:54) Network Load Balancer (NLB)
🎤 (4:29:25) Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
🎤 (4:30:27) Sticky Sessions
🎤 (4:21:24) X-Forwarded-For Header
🎤 (4:32:21) Health Checks
🎤 (4:33:23) Cross-Zone Load Balancing
🎤 (4:34:17) Request Routing
📓 (4:35:28) ELB Cheat Sheet
☁️ EC2 Follow Along
⌨️ (4:37:17) Launching an Instance
⌨️ (4:47:25) SSH Into Instance
⌨️ (4:53:47) Encrypted Snapshots
⌨️ (4:57:44) Creating an AMI
⌨️ (5:02:19) Working with ASGs
⌨️ (5:26:05) Register a Domain
☁️ (Elastic) File System (EFS)
🎤 (5:29:44) Introduction
⌨️ (5:41:01) Mounting EFS
📓 (5:49:50) EFS Cheat Sheet
☁️ (Elastic) Block Store (EBS)
🎤 (5:50:37) Introduction
🎤 (5:52:23) Volume Types
🎤 (5:55:15) Medium HDD
🎤 (5:56:27) Medium SSD
🎤 (5:57:08) Magnetic Tapes
🎤 (5:57:50) Moving Volumes
🎤 (5:58:44) Encrypted Root Volumes
🎤 (6:00:05) EBS vs Instance Store Volumes
📓 (6:02:27) EBS Cheat Sheet
☁️ CloudFront
🎤 (6:04:05) Introduction
🎤 (6:05:20) Core Components
🎤 (6:06:24) Distributions
🎤 (6:08:52) Lambda@Edge
🎤 (6:10:25) Protection
⌨️ (6:12:31) Create a Distribution
⌨️ (6:16:18) Serve S3 Files From Distribution
⌨️ (6:19:26) Create an Invalidation
📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront Cheat Sheet
Just wanted to say that much of this data is very relevant and useful for the 2024 exam! Thanks for putting out contecnt like this 🙂
Hi thank you so much , I need pdf of this sheets please
Are the sheets enough to pass the exams?
can you plz help with the link to the PPT
Snowball cheat sheet 01:10:00
Thanks so much for the help ♥
Anyone still watching in 2024, do like.
Is the "AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)" still good for 2024 exam ? also either any power point for this 10h and 26 minutes video ? Thank you.
How to get this powerpoint presentation? Is there a link for it?
Thank you for such a great content.
Passed the exam today.
Questions were focused on:
Security groups, subnets, and NACLs
S3 Gateway
File Gateway
AWS Organisation and Control Tower (managing multiple accounts across different departments)
One question Comparing Route53 policy (asked which one does not direct to unhealthy hosts)
On-premise to cloud migration solution
Two questions were for Amazon Neptune
One question was for Amazon Fsx
One/Two questions for Redshift
One question for Transfer Family and the way to integrate on-premise Active Directory for access
Some questions for three-tier web application (high availability and subnet configuration)
Few questions for WAF and firewall rules
Most questions provided different solutions for a use case and asked which one has the least operational overhead or the most cost effective
All the best guys!
Thank you very much for this course. I passed the exam today, passed it barely with a score around 750. Just wanted to let everyone know this course is still relevant, HOWEVER I strongly recommend buying the Tutorial Dojo Practice exams. They are very discouraging at first but they provide excellent and crucial explanations about certain services that is not explained here.
Valid in 2024!
This video is awesome, is it still relevant to the exam in 2024?
so stupid that i cant purchase the solution architect professional directly.. than i use some other platform
Can I use these to study as of April 2024?
Best of all the AWS associate videos I have gone through. Thank you for all the effort 🙏
Thanks a lot for the content!
It helped me to pass the exam this year.
Hi all, is this video still relevant even tho it's 4 years old?
Thank you.
This guy is the Red Dragon of Information Technology
Hi, thanks for this video. is there a way we can have access to the slides?
Really useful for studying CCA exam. Keep it up. Please post video for solution architect professional also and I am eagerly waiting.
14:45 Class Starts..
Planning on taking the exam 2024 maybe in 2mnths.. is the course still relevant.. noticed it says 2020
I saw the entire video since Angel aBrown helped me the Cloud Practitioner certification. However this content is less and does not cover all the topics required for preparing SAA 03. Request you to update the content.
can we learn from this video in 2024 too!!
I'm obsessed with this content. I recently read a similar book, and I'm truly obsessed with it. "Mastering AWS: A Software Engineers Guide" by Nathan Vale
If I want to study for this test will this course be enough or I would need a longer course?
You are great. I cleared 2 exams by studying from your channel. Thank you!
is this video helpful in the 2024 exam? And video is enough to pass the exam. Give me suggestions about that.
If possible can you please share the pdf ? Would be really helpful to go thru for a quick reference.
I appreciate this so much. Can you please tell me how you added added script after creating role?
Hi there, say please is this video still relevant to learn from in 2024?
All I want is to be an AWS sys admin (w/sysops certification) primarily focusing on IAM but I have to learn a ton of things before I can even get there. Apparently that also means Solution Architect cert…at least it's what I've been told.
Anyone have the slides from this video that they can share?
Hello! I just passed the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam and am on starting down the road to the Sol Arch Associate Exam. Before jumping into your videos, wanted to ask, if there is any updated video content and/or notable exam changes from when this was posted, seeing that this is from 2020. Unsure how much or little the exam versions have changed since then so figured it’s worth asking, pre-commit! Also thank you for being someone who posts this kind of material, there is such a deficit – really appreciate you taking the time to share!