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AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Course (CLF-C01) – Pass the Exam!

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Course (CLF-C01) – Pass the Exam!

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Course (CLF-C01) – Pass the Exam!

Prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification and pass!

✏️ Developed by Andrew Brown of ExamPro
🔗 https://twitter.com/andrewbrown

Get your Free Practice and Downloadable Cheatsheets
🎁 https://www.exampro.co/clf-c01

📢 [View this course updates!](https://www.exampro.co/clf-c01) Last Updated: Nov 15 2021

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:13:10) Introduction
⌨️ (00:17:35) Cloud Concepts
⌨️ (00:46:56) Getting Started
⌨️ (01:19:37) Digital Transformation
⌨️ (01:27:40) The Benefits of the Cloud
⌨️ (01:33:54) Global Infrastructure
⌨️ (02:14:28) Cloud Architecture
⌨️ (02:37:50) Management and Developers Tools
⌨️ (04:15:23) Shared Responsibility Model
⌨️ (04:34:20) Compute
⌨️ (05:27:48) Storage
⌨️ (06:05:26) Databases
⌨️ (06:35:39) Networking
⌨️ (06:57:27) EC2
⌨️ (07:49:10) EC2 Pricing Models
⌨️ (08:08:09) Identity
⌨️ (08:53:55) Application Integration
⌨️ (09:05:22) Containers
⌨️ (09:16:11) Goverance
⌨️ (09:44:39) Provisioning
⌨️ (10:05:34) Serverless
⌨️ (10:10:04) Windows on AWS
⌨️ (10:18:46) Logging
⌨️ (10:32:39) ML AI BigData
⌨️ (10:52:52) AWS Well Architected Framework
⌨️ (11:14:35) TCO and Migration
⌨️ (11:30:41) Billing and Pricing
⌨️ (12:25:50) Security
⌨️ (13:11:08) Variation Study

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Wong Voon jinq
👾 hexploitation
👾 Katia Moran
👾 BlckPhantom
👾 Nick Raker
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster
👾 AppWrite

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Comments (22)

  1. just a quick question as i am shifting my tech skills as i am app developer. I just wanted to ask that what tech stacks should i know before learning AWS/ watching this video. or can I just directly jump into the video without need to worry about any specific technology

  2. Can this video be used for CLF-CO2?

  3. Any studying advice that will help me with this course? I've been pretty much writing down notes from every section besides the "follow along" sections. Anyone have any tips to make my studying more efficient?

  4. Thank you for this course ✨✨✨

  5. where will i get andrew brown AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate dea-c01

    thanks in advance

  6. Please take out the section glazing up Jeff Bezos. Or add a section about Amazon's labor law violations, it's about as relevant.

  7. 12:10:00 to check the list of available free tier options for the first year

  8. I can't access the free test paper

  9. Thanks for creating this for free. I really appreaciate

  10. Thanks a lot for such a good content

  11. such confusing tuts

  12. Which aws certificate is better for data scientist?

  13. I am professional with AWS now

  14. These videos only for those really concentrating on their Career not for all

  15. At certiport when you click on find a test center it only takes you to the 3 online proctor links. They no longer have the page where you can type in your zip code and find a in person center.

  16. Does anyone know where you take the certification exam. I know Gmetrix has the practice test but I didn't see the test voucher for purchase at certiport or any of its online proctor affiliates.

  17. Hi Andrew, thanks so much for your tuition. Passed today 🙌 took me 5 days of relentlessly watching this video and pumping out a few practice tests. Now to build a static website resume ❤

  18. Studying now to get the cloud practitioner cert! Then moving onto solutions architect 🙏🏽🙌🏽🩷thanks for this video.. I’ll come back and update after I pass😉😉🙏🏽

  19. Pase mi examen ayer! Muchas gracias por las explicaciones!!!!

  20. For wavelengths there was a separate option to launch wavelength zones mate. You chose a different one, it was down below you scrolled too couple of times

  21. when i add my credit card to create an AWS account for this course – will I be charged?

  22. Exist any code for disscount to the certificate?

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