20 Minutes of English Reading Comprehension for Advanced Learners
August 30, 2024 2024-08-30 18:5520 Minutes of English Reading Comprehension for Advanced Learners
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If you understand English but can’t speak it, this video is for you because we will help you improving your English reading skills!
In this video, you’ll practice your English reading comprehension skills. If you want to start learning English, this video is made for you. Our host expresses herself in simple English, with subtitles. This video will challenge your reading and listening comprehension skills and help you progress in your English study.
This is the fastest, easiest way to pick up basic English!
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Comments (33)
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this is the best youtube channel i have ever seen
﴿اقرَأ بِاسمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذي خَلَقَ﴾ [العلق: ١]
Recite in the name of your Lord who created
– Saheeh International
﴿خَلَقَ الإِنسانَ مِن عَلَقٍ﴾ [العلق: ٢]
Created man from a clinging substance.
– Saheeh International
﴿اقرَأ وَرَبُّكَ الأَكرَمُ﴾ [العلق: ٣]
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous –
– Saheeh International
﴿الَّذي عَلَّمَ بِالقَلَمِ﴾ [العلق: ٤]
Who taught by the pen
– Saheeh International
﴿عَلَّمَ الإِنسانَ ما لَم يَعلَم﴾ [العلق: ٥]
Taught man that which he knew not.
– Saheeh International
﴿كَلّا إِنَّ الإِنسانَ لَيَطغى﴾ [العلق: ٦]
No! [But] indeed, man transgresses
– Saheeh International
﴿أَن رَآهُ استَغنى﴾ [العلق: ٧]
Because he sees himself self-sufficient.
– Saheeh International
﴿إِنَّ إِلى رَبِّكَ الرُّجعى﴾ [العلق: ٨]
Indeed, to your Lord is the return.
– Saheeh International
﴿أَرَأَيتَ الَّذي يَنهى﴾ [العلق: ٩]
Have you seen the one who forbids
– Saheeh International
﴿عَبدًا إِذا صَلّى﴾ [العلق: ١٠]
A servant when he prays?
– Saheeh International
﴿أَرَأَيتَ إِن كانَ عَلَى الهُدى﴾ [العلق: ١١]
Have you seen if he is upon guidance
– Saheeh International
﴿أَو أَمَرَ بِالتَّقوى﴾ [العلق: ١٢]
Or enjoins righteousness?
– Saheeh International
﴿أَرَأَيتَ إِن كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلّى﴾ [العلق: ١٣]
Have you seen if he denies and turns away –
– Saheeh International
﴿أَلَم يَعلَم بِأَنَّ اللَّهَ يَرى﴾ [العلق: ١٤]
Does he not know that Allāh sees?
– Saheeh International
﴿كَلّا لَئِن لَم يَنتَهِ لَنَسفَعًا بِالنّاصِيَةِ﴾ [العلق: ١٥]
No! If he does not desist, We will surely drag him by the forelock
– Saheeh International
﴿ناصِيَةٍ كاذِبَةٍ خاطِئَةٍ﴾ [العلق: ١٦]
A lying, sinning forelock.
– Saheeh International
﴿فَليَدعُ نادِيَهُ﴾ [العلق: ١٧]
Then let him call his associates;
– Saheeh International
﴿سَنَدعُ الزَّبانِيَةَ﴾ [العلق: ١٨]
We will call the angels of Hell.
– Saheeh International
﴿كَلّا لا تُطِعهُ وَاسجُد وَاقتَرِب ۩﴾ [العلق: ١٩]
No! Do not obey him. But prostrate and draw near [to Allāh].
– Saheeh International
من يريد تعلم الانجليزية بقصص روعة و سهلة تابع هذه القناة
Thank you so much _ teachers " Alisha "
Thank you for the lesson.
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I lov u ♥️
Thank you ❤️
Excellent Dear..🙏
Today later I've a reading comprehension exam, THANK YOU… You are great
🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴✅Muy buenos videos. Soy tu fan# 1. Tanto que cree mi propio canal. Visita mi contenido y suscríbete.❤️👌🏼
I am also a youtuber, i upload content about the English Grammar and literature,,,,, but still watch ykur videos carefully and learned a lot of basics and advanced things from this channel.. Thank you so much for such a informative and helpful videos.
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How are you? I am a student with you, but I am an Árab. Can I publish your videos with a translator in order for Arabs to benefit and learn the language? If you allow me to publish your translated clips, send the word OK. If you refuse, I apologize and send me a word I do not agree and thank you very much.
Is it possible to be be advanced in reading and bigginer in writing or other skill?
You should pay attention to punctuation.
Absence of punctuation makes difficult understanding.
imma be a great no native speakerrrr 💕💕💕
Good morning 🌞. Thank you for the lesson it's great way to learn. I love your videos 😍
Good video, I'm from Indonesia. Join our YouTube channel too guys, thanks😀
Thank you so much teacher i love your lousen all. you are best teaccher thank you again
Great video..enjoy watching till the end. Gives us awesome lesson.. thanks
I like you….
Love your videos ❤️❤️❤️ keep going
Thank you very much for teaching us
Good morning! I hope to see you again soon.
Any ones who practice with me on video call for….
Thank you techer because you are very kind
Terrific lecture by terrific personality
I'm glad to hear sounds that are used in Japanese stations.
Hello 🙏 Namaste ma'am 🌷